Hive Dev Applications

Are you a developer looking for a project? Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you once something suitable is found.

  • Your or your team's main username without the '@'.
  • What can we call you other than your username?
  • An email address you can be reached at.
  • Where are you located? This is used for syncing timezones for meetings.
  • Do you have a Discord account?
  • Please provide your GitHub account link here.
  • Are you filling out this form as a sole developer or on behalf of a team?
    What languages do you develop in? Check all that apply. Please know that you are expected to have a proficient degree of competency.
  • Have you ever developed anything in relation to the Hive (or any related) Blockchain before?
  • What other blockchains have you developed for?
    Check all that apply.
  • Describe how you set up your devops.
  • Do you use Git for version control?
  • Are you willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (and similar)?
  • Your hourly rate in USD. If you charge different hourly rates for different types of development, please specify below.
  • Please describe your previous projects involving the Hive blockchain or other Graphene-based blockchains.
  • Please provide a reference that we can reach out to in order to verify your quality of work. Include their email or Discord ID. (If you have worked on a major project, we will reach out to the project leadership irrespective if you include them as your preferred reference below.)
  • Is there a type of project you would prefer to work on? Something you will absolutely never work on? Use this space to tell us anything you feel will help us place you.